Why Join Santee Court Live?
Santee Court Live is where residents and friends of Santee Court go for the
all the latest information, activity and fun at Santee Court. Joining is easy,
free and open to anyone. And we wont sell or give away your email address to anyone, ever. We hate spam too!
Are you a resident of Santee Court?
Get the latest on whats going on at Santee Court and in the surrounding community!
By joining Santee Court Live, you gain access to all of the features of
the website - things like Announcements, Events, Groups, Classifieds, and your fellow residents' Profiles.
Plus, as a resident, you get access to convenient resident-only features like maintenance requests,
package delivery notices, and important updates from the Santee Court management team.
Not a resident?
Thats okay! Anyone who wants to become a member of the Santee Court community can
join Santee Court Live. Whether you're a local business owner, thinking about
moving to Santee Court, or just want to tune into one of the coolest apartment
communities around, joining Santee Court Live is a great way to get connected!